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James Hammer
120 Followers 2187Following
Award winning director and educator, mentor, collaborator, and creative.
Earn $500+/Month Acting
Do They Have Wifi in Space? Know Thyself: Collaboration is Key.
James Hammer
You’re struggling because you don’t know yourself. You’re looking for the same things you’ve always looked for (but yet here you are again, because it didn’t really work out last time), and you’re approaching it with the same limited knowledge of who you really are. IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP AND TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I challenge you to spend 10 mins in one of my new daytime workshops… if I don’t convince you that you CAN improve your understanding of yourself, then I won’t bother you again.
James Hammer
What’s Up with AI? I just wrapped up an AI case use study with this transforming logo concept I was developing. I have a measure of artistic talent across a variety of creative disciplines, but there is no way I could have completed this whole project without it. NO. WAY. I started with creator.nightcafe.studio and worked on text-to-image of a variety of random story images (9 in all). I edited effects and video w/ADOBE, and then I used the video for reference on www.kaiber.ai.
James Hammer
What’s Up with AI? How can you use AI? There are endless answers… currently there are 13,000 AI tools in the marketplace. Got questions? I have answers. Ask here or send me a question on the FUD chat!
James Hammer
What’s Up with AI? In the studio recording sessions for the course. I dropped the price to $4.99! Come see what AI can do for you!
James Hammer
What’s Up with AI? Lesson 1: What are we talking about, when we’re talking about AI? Lesson 2 gets us talking about where YOU can find resources, and Lesson 3 is about some uses for AI in content creation.
James Hammer